Crime Rates »

Crime Rates in Jackson Lake, Colorado

A general overview of all reported crimes in Jackson Lake, Colorado is displayed below. The data has been arranged to make it easier to distinguish between violent crimes and property crimes.

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State info:


Colorado, Centennial State, CO; a state in west central United States in the Rocky Mountains

The State of Colorado is a state located in the Rocky Mountain region of the United States of America. Colorado may also be considered to be a part of the Western and Southwestern regions of the United States. The United States Census Bureau estimates that the state population was 4,861,515 in 2007, a 13.03% increase since the U.S. Census 2000. Denver is the capital of Colorado and the state's most populous city. Residents of Colorado are properly known as "Coloradans", although the archaic term "Coloradoan" is still used.

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