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Crime Rates in Oasis, New Mexico

A general overview of all reported crimes in Oasis, New Mexico is displayed below. The data has been arranged to make it easier to distinguish between violent crimes and property crimes.

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State info:

New Mexico

New Mexico, Land of Enchantment, NM; a state in southwestern United States on the Mexican border

New Mexico is a state located in the southwestern region of the United States. Inhabited by Native American populations for many centuries, it has also has been part of the Imperial Spanish viceroyalty of New Spain, part of Mexico, and a U.S. territory. Among U.S. states, New Mexico has the highest percentage of Hispanics at 43%, comprising both recent immigrants and descendants of Spanish colonists. It also has the third-highest percentage of Native Americans after Alaska and Oklahoma, and the fifth-highest total number of Native Americans after California, Oklahoma, Arizona, and Texas. The tribes represented in the state consist of mostly Navajo and Pueblo peoples. As a result, the demographics and culture of the state are unique for their strong Spanish, Mexican, and Native American cultural influences. The climate of the state is highly arid and its territory is mostly covered by mountains and desert. At a population density of 15 per square mile, New Mexico is the sixth most sparsely inhabited U.S. state.

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Top 5 Baby Names in:

New Mexico


Sophia • Isabella • Emma • Mia • Aaliyah


Noah • Jacob • Elijah • Jayden • Daniel